Spring tags and egg shaped cards | Easter greetings

We are a few days into March and it’s still full blown winter ouside my window. Although I think snow is beautiful, winter is my least favorite season since it’s sooooo cold. And I freeze easily. I’m longing for spring and feeling the sun warm my face. While I wait for spring to actually come, I work on spring designs. Here are some spring and Easter tags + egg shaped cards.

Spring tags and egg shaped cards | Easter greetings | Free spring printables | #printables #easter #spring #cards #tags

Getting to work with spring colors makes me soo happy and light at heart.

Spring tags and egg shaped cards | Easter greetings | Free spring printables | #printables #easter #spring #cards #tags


2 Replies to “Spring tags and egg shaped cards | Easter greetings”

  1. these look so pretty and cute! 🙂

  2. Susan Kush says:

    Love these – so cute!!

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